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Hey all! How to chillax osteopathically:
I made this video as a guide and/or reference for this lower body traction that I often suggest to my patients.
This position to correct is great for decompressing the lumbar spine without putting tension on the postural interspinal musculature that may be engaged when decompressing under gravity (i.e. hanging from upper limbs, inversion tables)
Please seek advisory from a medical professional before attempting this movement, especially if there are pre-existing pathologies in the lower limb, pelvis or low back.
The announcement you’ve all been waiting for…
It is my pleasure to announce that Napier Osteopathy will be expanding it’s practise with Origin Wellness in Dovercourt Village!
Origin Wellness is a multidisciplinary clinic space that is patient and community focused, just minutes from the Ossington subway station. Not only does its Dovercourt location now offer osteopathic care, but you can also find naturopathic medicine, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and more!
You can find me here every Tuesday and Friday from 9am - 3:00pm. You can start booking in with my via the link in my bio. Take your first dip into a healthy, functional body and schedule with me or another fantastic practitioner at Origin today π
While we may still be very active during the colder and darker months, the thing most of us miss is PLAY. No indoor gym workout can ever replace getting outside and messin’ around - whether its walking up and down a street window shopping, rollerblading down the lakeshore or playing tennis at your local court.
We all benefit from this energetic movement, and osteopathy can help you transition into this new lifestyle to let you enjoy summer in its fullest!
Get out and play π
Are you an existing patient at Napier Osteopathy that’s already been treated for a previous condition or injury? Then keep on reading!
Life happens, we embrace new activities, our bodies change, and sometimes we adapt new compensations, aches and pains. I have opened up a new Returning Patient selection that caters to this exact scenario. A longer treatment, similar to an initial approach, but no need for re-introductions!
Your old body is not your new one and that’s something I highly consider. if you’re coming back into the clinic for something new, hit up the Returning Patient New Case option, fill out the forms and let the osteopathy do the work!
Ever feel like your body isn’t bolted together quite right? π€
Osteopathy doesn’t need to be applied to specific acute or chronic issues! Sometimes you just need a good ol’ realignment from time to time to integrate balance within your body.
Find your wholeness again π«Ά
Link in bio for appointments and information.
Clinical Updates in the upcoming months!
Thank you all for a wonderful 2022 and I look forward to more health and happiness this year π
All information can be found on my website in the “What’s New” section located in the link in my bio.
To receive this information directly, subscribe to the email mailing list on your Jane account (you will only receive emails regarding clinic updates, no spam).
Feel free to DM or email me directly if you have any questions, thanks!
This is a topic I discuss almost on a daily basis when I educate my patients. No one person has the same posture because no one has the same spine. Its absurd to this there is one posture for every person.
Finding your posture throughout the day can mean a plethora of different movements.
The important thing to note is that posture doesn’t involve muscular energy to aid in the position of one’s self. Try allowing your spine to bear its own weight by positioning your weight in a way that the muscles associated with it can relax. Allow yourself to compress or distract (raise/lift) when needed. If you’re going to slouch to one side make sure to give the other side a little love too.
Remember to get up and move around throughout the day - movement is life!
While shorter in length, follow-up treatments deliver a specialized treatment that spirals in and out of the global and focal aspects of compensation while ensuring all layers of tissue, joints, viscera, and fluid flow are free from restriction or obstruction.
When the body is liberated of any abnormal stimulus and the anatomy & physiology functions as intended, that is when the healing happens.